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Strong Lebanon Bloc: Delays in Electing a President Further Endanger Lebanon

The Strong Lebanon Bloc held its regular meeting under the leadership of Deputy Gebran Bassil to discuss current developments, make decisions, and issue the following statement:

1. Call for Ceasefire:
The bloc reiterates its urgent call for a lasting ceasefire, urging the United Nations, the Security Council, and key international powers to take immediate action to protect Lebanon. It has outlined a diplomatic plan to be led by its president and deputies, focusing on safeguarding national interests.
The bloc condemns the systematic bombing of residential areas, which has caused massive destruction and the displacement of civilians. It views these actions as part of a broader agenda aimed at demographic manipulation, threatening Lebanon’s delicate national balance. The bloc calls on the government to direct the army and security forces to maintain security in all regions decisively.
2. Presidential Election Urgency:
The bloc stresses that any further delay in electing a president exposes Lebanon to deeper existential threats, undermines state institutions, and prolongs crises on multiple fronts. It urges all parliamentary blocs to fulfill their responsibilities by electing a president without linking the process to a ceasefire or other inappropriate conditions.
The bloc has thoroughly reviewed the list of potential presidential candidates and remains open to discussions. It has compiled a list of candidates and plans to consult with other parliamentary blocs, prioritizing those committed to attending upcoming election sessions.