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*Bassil Mourns Secretary-General of Hezbollah and Calls to Unite the Lebanese

In his speech, Head of the Free Patriotic Movement, Member of Parliament Gebran Bassil, expressed his profound sorrow over the passing of Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, remembering him as a resilient, honorable, and patient leader. Bassil extended his condolences to Hezbollah, its followers, and all Lebanese people, both within the country and abroad, mourning this tremendous loss. “We are all bearing a great loss, but the greatest one remains within our hearts,” he said.
Bassil emphasized that moments like these call for sensibility and unity. “These are difficult times, not just for one party or one sect, but for everyone. When facing the enemy, we have no choice but to stand together,” he added.
“Our country is in grave danger, and our people continue to suffer from Israeli crimes. Only our unity can save us. Human and national solidarity must rise above political disagreements. This is a call to protect national unity and preserve security and internal peace. We fear internal strife, sectarianism, and the escalation of domestic issues. I have communicated with spiritual, political, and security authorities, urging for calm and awareness in this critical time.”
Bassil stressed the need for security forces to prevent any internal conflicts, underscoring that there should be neither a victor nor a vanquished party. “We will either lose together or win together. There are no hosts and guests in Lebanon; we are all each other’s guests when needed,” he said.
Bassil called for an end to the war and a cessation of casualties. “We are not adopting new positions. On April 8, we sent internal and external letters requesting an international ceasefire resolution and the enforcement of U.N. Resolution 1701. We will continue engaging with the relevant international actors to put pressure on Israel to halt its aggression against Lebanon. Lebanon cannot afford to fall under Israeli occupation again, for it will resist and expel any occupation once more.”
He urged the election of a President of the Republic and the formation of a national salvation government, arguing that Lebanon cannot face external threats or negotiate in the absence of a President, nor can the resistance succeed without the support of a functioning State. “This is not a moment for one faction to claim victory over another, nor for any Lebanese group to experience defeat. It is a time for us to unite behind a President.”
“We reject any attempt to impose a President on the Lebanese people, and no one has the right to isolate any Lebanese faction. These essential steps can only be achieved with the participation of all Lebanese. Every political party must take responsibility for the people they represent. We have reached out to all parliamentary forces, authorities, and foreign embassies to help us address the most dangerous and dire situation our country faces and to find a path toward a salvific solution.”
Bassil also called on Prime Minister of the caretaker government Najib Mikati to unite all Lebanese in a Cabinet statement, avoiding any divisive actions, and to instruct military and security forces to maintain calm and prevent any destabilizing or provocative acts. “This would allow the boycotting ministers to attend the Cabinet session under these exceptional circumstances without violating the constitutional framework or the national charter, solely to prevent the internal unrest that Israel seeks to provoke.”
Furthermore, Bassil urged Speaker Nabih Berri to initiate time-bound parliamentary consultations to elect a President of the Republic—one who will unify and protect all Lebanese, restore the State, and lead to an open election session that will continue until a President is elected.
In closing, Bassil addressed the Lebanese people and supporters of the Free Patriotic Movement. “Stay loyal to your beliefs and to your history, and act according to your highest faith: Lebanon and its 10,452 square kilometers, of which we will not surrender a single inch. Every displaced, wounded, or martyred person is one of our own. Open your hearts and homes to your brothers, for unity is our salvation. May God protect Lebanon,” he concluded.